Greetings from NY; where I'm visiting my mom. Here's a rundown on the running.
Yesterday I left the iPod at home and went, with my thoughts, to visit the Lansdowne Sycamore. This has become a weekend ritual, akin to making a pilgrimage to the Delphi. I eschewed the chatter of music to be alone with my thoughts, to take inventory of where I was at. The tree was looking as spectacular as I've seen it, with a lush canopy of leaves now, that apparently had still been growing in last week. Then, starting on Baily Road, I took the legs for a bit of a spin to see how they'd perform. Went somewhere sub 7 for much the rest of the way and they responded well. Felt like a runner instead of a jogger. 10 miles in 85.49.
Then this morning I met up with John Dubs at Lloyd Hall. John and I have decided to reconstitute the village (i.e., the one it takes to train for a marathon) and we figure that if we run others will soon come. Just us two this morning, us and, unbeknownst to us, the clusterhump that was the Philly Triathlon. John and I both independently beat the barricades and parked behind Lemon Hill so that we actually met up on time. We then put the slow into LSD for a relaxing run filled with chatter. Its nice to feel comfortable with someone to the point of just shutting up when going up the Three Bears (north Belmont Ave hills) instead of feeling the need to keep talking to show a lack of windedness. We saw Marita and Devon zooming by us on the bike part of the triathlon, I hope things went well.
12.5 miles for us, you'll have to check
John's site for the time. 12.5 gives me 70 for the week. Hot damn!
News flash - check out on today's course just beyond where we hit seven miles. John spotted, from the Belmont overpass, that the tracks below us were just a railbed. This would seem to make for a good trail and, just as important, some new running terrain to explore. Following it on g-map, the part on the Manayunk side, which we talked about exploring, doesn't seem as promising as on the other side. I'm thinking this will be next weekend's route.
I'll be getting in plenty of hills for the rest of the week at my Mom's.