Seebo's Run

A running commentary on my training and whatever else emerges from that.

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Cankle Returns

Just when I thought it was safe to go back on the roads.

I went back to Columbus on business on Friday and Reba and I headed out to the hills of Western Maryland for a long weekend, and I figured that at this point in my recovery rest would be preferable to cramming in little runs between all that.

So this morning I went out again for the first time since Thursday. I headed out to Tinicum to do four - 2 out and 2 back. The foot felt funny, I never could get a comfortable stride where I felt like I wasn't favoring it or otherwise coming down on it unnaturally. I tried mixing speeds a bit which was about the only thing to feel good. I was running on the rutted path that makes up the "boring part" of the Tinicum trails, and was about a mile and three-quarters out when without warning my ankle rolled in and I was in intense pain.

Only the ducks and the rabbits were there to hear me yell and curse in extreme pain and anger. As best I could tell, I didn't step into anything as much as I just came down on my foot and it rolled. After hopping around a bit and feeling the world spinning from the pain for a few minutes, I set out to hobble back on a long walk back to Reba's house.

The cankle now looks almost identical to how it looked three weeks ago. I'm thinking that I'm starting from scratch again, complete with crutches and a trip back to Ira. I'm also very aware that I face the prospect of being more prone to subsequent sprains as well, along with the psychological demons that I expect will make their presence felt when I get back to running.

I know I shouldn't be thinking this far ahead at this point, but its hard not to. I'm bummed.

I'll keep the blog updated.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Me and you are kindred spirits right now. It sucks being hurt.

7:18 AM  
Blogger steve said...

Agreed, ankle spains suck and, for me at least, are hard to recover from. The rehab exercises I like best for increasing stability in the ankle are to balance on one foot with my eyes closed and use a tension band for resistance when pulling, pushing, and twising my ankle. The confidence will come back with time.

10:41 AM  

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