Seebo's Run

A running commentary on my training and whatever else emerges from that.

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Pimping this Ride

Before I get all into my self absorbed little world I want to proudly announce that Kevin my roomie ran a 4:29 indoor mile today at the Hartshorne Elite Masters Mile in Ithaca. This is huge and, meter for meter, is way better than any performance I've ever put in. Maybe I should start listening to Iron Maiden.

And while Kevin was getting his mojo working I was sleeping in. It was a beautiful morning to do so, with the light coming through the window rendering the whole room radiant and leaving me lying there peaceful and happy.

While I felt no guilt at all doing it, it didn't add any miles to the log. And this would be on top of yesterday, when I didn't run at all due to much more mundane circumstances - I had to make a work deadline and just couldn't justify squeezing in a run (yes folks, it was that tight). And then this afternoon I went to the Mid-Atlantic USATF's annual awards luncheon, where I received the Long Distance Running Committee's Outstanding Master's Male Athlete Award, presented by masters running legend Norm Green. It was a nice luncheon - good food and good company. I received many congratulations and almost as many questions as to how my training was going now. I dutifully answered the questions, all the while getting more aware of not running since Thursday. Then getting word of Kevin's performance while I was sitting on my, um, laurels was the final push.

So when I got home this evening I immediately put on my shoes and headed to USP's athletic center. I hopped on the treadmill and got in as many miles as I could before they closed for the evening. On running the half mile out there I felt waves of emotion like I would get during the fall training. I was on a quest again (more on that in a minute), and I was working towards it. All that needed to be done was to insert Rocky theme music about there. That fist pumping quickly stopped after I got on the treadmill, where I was faced with training at its drudgiest - a long treadmill workout. Got in ten on the hamster wheel and another mile out and back.

More on my quest. March 17, Adrenaline 5k. I'm there and I will break 16 minutes. I can visualize it now, it will obsess me for the next two months. And to pimp this ride, I've enlisted the services of GP, Gerard Pearlman, to coach me to this race. GP comes highly recommended both from my roomate and from Deirdre. One of the key selling points of his approach is targeting workouts which will increase my comfort zone in running at faster paces. He's got other ideas I don't quite understand yet, but I'll make that leap of faith. Training for a 5k will be way different from what I'm used to, and hopefully it will be just what I need to shake things up to improve my running in longer distances as well. So stay tuned, I'll be coming back to this frequently in upcoming entries.

11 miles in 83:54.


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