Seebo's Run

A running commentary on my training and whatever else emerges from that.

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Monday, December 25, 2006

Where It All Began

Merry Christmas from Rockland County. I'm up here spending the holiday with family.

One family tradition we have is to open gifts on Christmas Eve. Thus I have Christmas morning free and what better way to take advantage of that than to go out for a run. My sister said that I'm like a horse, I need to be let out to run around a bit. I didn't argue that point this morning.

I headed out to Rockland Lake, about a 15 minute drive from my mom's. Its a state park around a lake that has a multiuse paved path that provides a loop that is slightly more than three miles long. My mom used to run around the lake regularly back in my junior high years, and it was here that I first ask if I could run with her. I remember the skeptical look she gave me in response, but said okay and I hung with her. Many other loops subsequently would follow, as did other experiences there that have left their memories.

These memories and other thoughts came back to me as I ran two loops around. Weather was overcast and in the high 30s, and I felt strong enough to reach a cruising pace in the low 7 minute range. Loop 1 passed in 23:03, loop 2 in 21:31.

Tori Amos and Cowboy Junkies on the iPod.

When I got home I "cooled down" with another one and a half miles that I ran with my sister. Annette ran track in high school and is in tennis shape, but otherwise doesn't run much. We ran out of the house to Garnerville via Cinder Road and back on Central Highway. I was very happy to run with her, I can't remember if I have ever done that before. I spent much of this time together carrying on a monologue while she huffed and puffed, one of the few times in which I can dominate a conversation with her. This added another mile and a half to my morning.

My mom also has a scale that reads in pounds, and I found out I weigh 182. This is disappointing, as, given that I usually gain a few pounds in the winter months, my usual weight around this time of year is in the mid to high 170s. So I won't come close to gaining the ten spot I was looking for, despite being about as gluttonous and as slothful as I'll get over the last three weeks.

Christmas is hard this year, but its good to be with family. Back in Philly tomorrow. Rooting for the Eagles tonight. 7.5 miles total.


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