Seebo's Run

A running commentary on my training and whatever else emerges from that.

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Inching Toward Cali

Last bout with the Bloody Nipple in this training cycle.

In contrast to last week, when I had to virtually flog my legs to get them to go, this morning they were like thoroughbreds twitching and chomping at the bit and wanting to take off even as I was heading down to the Drives. It was all I could do to keep them on warmup pace. When I got down to MLK I just let go. My mind chimed in by flashing back to a visual of cruising during Sundays BFBridge run, and I cruised the four river miles in 22:33. Kept it up the BN, checking in at the summit in 8:37 and finishing up on Belmont Plateau in 15:47. This again shatters my previous best times for this stretch that I've been running all fall, and puts me in a nice frame of mind as I get one hard workout closer to my taper.

This also got me thinking. While I've been getting great race times this season, the times have all been very consistent with each other. If you plug one of them into McMillans race calculator, they predict the other times I've been running pretty closely. Thus instead of my race times getting progressively faster, they have all moved up to a faster, but internally consistent level. In contrast, running this loop all fall I can distinctly measure progress, in that my times along the portions of this course that I take hard have consistently gone down as the training cycle progressed - on the tempo parts as well as on the hill parts. And now I have the satisfaction of their being done for awhile. During my taper I'll probably take Mike's suggestion and fart around with some fartlek workouts in place of this workout.

Norm finally updated the results on the Grand Prix standings and with one race left I am now in first place with a razor thin lead: 674.035 to 672.736 over David James. The final race will be a choice between Philly Marathon or the Rothman 8k, I will do the latter. Given I've had the upper hand in the last few races, and that I'll be well rested for this race, I gotta like my chances to win this thing.

Today was Seebo's workout, meaning no time to futz around and smell the roses. Just a good old fashioned hard workout.

And Mike would get on me if I didn't tell everyone to get out and vote. If you vote for nobody else, then vote for Bob Casey (i.e., against Santorum).

13.5 miles in 94:28.


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