Seebo's Run

A running commentary on my training and whatever else emerges from that.

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Monday, November 06, 2006

Morning After

Hooked up with KJ/Silas.

As I was waiting for them to emerge from KJ's place, I noticed the garden in front of the house next to theirs had roses blooming. Took that to be a positive sign.

All three of us were beat. Silas had the right idea. After being cranky for half the loop (out to Lloyd Hall and back around on an extended Art Museum loop) he then fell asleep for the second half. KJ and I digested yesterdays Bridge race, as well as the NYC marathon. Pace was slow and my mind was in a funk. It was pleasingly chilly. That's about all to remember.

Some runs are noteworthy only for the fact that they happened. This one was more or less one of those.

7.5 in 65:46.


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