Seebo's Run

A running commentary on my training and whatever else emerges from that.

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Friday, September 14, 2007


Only time for quickies today - quick run and quick post.

Another late night last night, this one more planned - part choice and part necessity - than usual (so I can live with that) but still kept me from getting up early. I lay in bed and said that I need to be done running by 8:30. By the time I got out it was a little before 8, so I took on woodchuck mode and ran 4 around Franklin Field and up to 49th St. Something to feed the addiction, about the minimum dose my body will react to.

Had M Ward on the iPod. Its been on it for awhile, the first time I really got into it. Good stuff. 4 miles slow, won't say how slow. Call it a taper run for PDR.


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