Seebo's Run

A running commentary on my training and whatever else emerges from that.

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Friday, July 07, 2006

Back on Track

Two workouts today. First was this morning, an easy 6 (56:20) on the same Cobbs Creek loop I did last night (compare times!). Ran it with KJ, no one else showed this morning. Most of the run was KJ talking about jury duty and his experience inside the bowels of justice.

Around noon I ran down to Franklin Field to do some track work. I didn't set out to do anything ambitious, just run 1600s to see what kind of shape I am in. Didn't want to push myself until I was gasping for air or anything like that (that'll come later). Rather what I wanted to do was patterned from an early scene from the movie Das Boot where the U-boat captain takes the sub down to the depths of the ocean until rivets start popping and water starts spraying, just to get an idea of how far she can go down. That was me on the track. Took her down to 5:27 and everything was fine. Took her down another 8 seconds to 5:19 for the second round and was still feeling okay. Tried to break 5:20 for the third rep and the old hull started creaking, especially after an all out dash at the end to get that 1600 in 5:22. That's as far as I wanted to go today.

So I got me a baseline for planning future track workouts and, more importantly, I break the ice for what I'm hoping is an extended engagement with the track.


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