Seebo's Run

A running commentary on my training and whatever else emerges from that.

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Run Cut Short

If things were going as planned, instead of writing this I should be running on leafy Fairmount Park roads and cooling down from a passel of 6:15 tempo miles on the river. But some minor foot plan, on my left, outer, back sole and a bit up the outside, scuttled those plans just after crossing 38th St. and going down Hamilton Walk.

Doesn't this figure to happen just after a string of intense workouts?! I noticed the pain yesterday afternoon and again this morning. A likely culprit is old shoes, as I drenched my New Balance 1062s, which are well past their freshness date, on Sunday's soggy trek and ran in my NB 825s, which are older to the point where I have absolutely no business running in them, yesterday and this morning. I had ordered new 1062s over the weekend, but once again New Balance has discontinued the model and its follow up won't be available until February.

The irony isn't so much that I've been running good lately as much as that I've been getting into that old intense training mindset. A big part of that is the "I gotta have X miles in for this week" mindset." To the point where I set out today thinking that I'll do the tempo run and if the pain gets worse then I'll see about cutting back. My friends, that is crazy thinking. It took me about a mile and a half of running to realize that and called it off. I got a day off on Friday, and have a west coast trip on tap for this weekend into next week. Sounds like a good week to cut back a bit.

And use the rest of the time I'd be spending on the run this morning going to again order a new pair of shoes.

2.5 miles, not timed.


Blogger ian said...

I hope things heal up okay.

2:22 PM  

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