Seebo's Run

A running commentary on my training and whatever else emerges from that.

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Rave Run

Ran with Ian this morning. Met at 6am and did a BN loop. He wanted to go 2 hours, but the 90-100 minutes it typically takes to run this loop is about all I'm able to muster these days.

Sun was already up on a cool, Spring-crisp morning with a lazy breeze. Flowers were still going strong and the geese now had goslings. Fair weather runners abounded. Ian and I run together rarely enough so that when we do it invariably is a catching up process - meandering from things running to things personal to things political to the weird and silly. All at about a 7:20/7:30 pace.

What Ian didn't know is that from about when we turned on to Belmont for the last three or so miles I was dragging. I know its all relative, and I know I'm risking admonishments from my two favorite female readers, but this spring has not left me in great shape.

And maybe Ian did know that, and just tossed me a big easy softball going so slow that it was a wonder it stayed in the air. Get the run in stereo by reading his version of it here.

13.5 in 1:40:23.


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