Seebo's Run

A running commentary on my training and whatever else emerges from that.

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year

Starting my third year of writing this blog. Would be a fairly thick book by now.

2007 started to the sound of pouring rain. Kevin and I were supposed to run at 8, but didn't get out until 11 am, when the rain let up a bit. In the meantime I was stressing a bit. I feel like at any time I got five balls going up in the air at once, and life is juggling the balls and keeping them all in the air. This morning it felt like all five of them were about to fall on me. I did the closest thing I've done sofar to making a resolution, and that is to do something whenever I find myself stressing over this. So I wrote some (work stuff) when I otherwise would have ran. I still felt stressed and anxious.

So I went running and found myself back where I was in the summer and fall, where I had a tank full of negative energy to burn off. Running with Kevin the pace again got down to about 7 flat, and I found myself taking the run a bit more intensely than I should have. I spent some time visualizing that intensity, and applying it to bigger and better things for '07.

We ran Cobbs Creek down to Woodland and around. For good measure when we got to 43rd St. I headed down to 36th St. through Penn campus to add an additional 2 miles. Mild and drizzly, with the rain getting heavier towards the end. But no matter, I got my run in.

Sure enough, I felt better upon finishing this run. A message waiting on my phone upon my return got me feeling even better. And the rest of the day has turned out alright.

The pride I had in logging 357 miles for January 06 has now become a formidable number to beat for 07. I think that will be a theme, I'm going to have a hard time topping 06. But the year is young enough to where I'm still determined to try. But I'm going to have to get in more daily miles than the 11 I did today.

But 11 miles it is, in 78:29. Course is mapped here.

Happy New Year.


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