Seebo's Run

A running commentary on my training and whatever else emerges from that.

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Maiden Voyage

Today was Silas' first trek out with us in the baby stroller. Silas (KJ's kid) had a grumpy looking facial expression under a cap that made him look like a dwarf, but he lay in the stroller quietly for a little while before promptly falling asleep. In other words, a highly successful initial workout for him.

We were a motley crew, as along with KJ and Silas it was me with my bandaged neck, the pregnant lady (aka Erin for those not in the know) whose runs now require portapotties at maximum intervals of six miles apart, and Jody, who has no apparent physical limitations. Loop was out to Cobbs Creek via Pine and back along Springfield, with a little extra warmup around the neighborhood while KJ was finishing pre-run logistics. Call it an easy (in the slow sense) 8 in 71:47. For me, I am getting out a bit longer each day and am keeping that "back from a teeth cleaning" feel in my legs. Tomorrow I go for a follow up appointment with the ENT guy, and then hope to torque it back to double digit days.

Babies in running strollers take me back to 1997 when Tony was a baby and I first got this insane notion in my head that I could run marathons (and before I realized I liked running them). I was in grad school and staying home with him on afternoons and used this time to strap him in a stroller and take off on training runs. I have always imagined rides all around town at a speed ideal for sightseeing with a parent in earshot but not sight, others around you (today it was like we were the Secret Service) and lots of smiles from passers-by transmits incredibly good karma for the kid and contributed greatly to his mellow disposition. Hopefully it will signify the beginning of his future running career. Good memories, and I'm glad KJ and Silas now get to experience that as well.


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