Seebo's Run

A running commentary on my training and whatever else emerges from that.

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Slow & Steady. . .

gets the run over with.

Weather took a turn for the nasty. Temps in the 20s and who knows what windchill as the winds howled out of the northwest. Actually it was only a half-miserable run, as the wind was on my back for the other half. It was, however, strictly a run to fulfill the obligation. The only thing that kept me going was the thought that at least I wasn't racing today. Several folks I know headed down to Wilmington this morning to run in the Icicle Run. I wracked my brain but could not think of a reason for running this race unless one had foolishly preregistered.

So instead of doing a 10-mile race I did what I thought was a ten-mile loop. Turns out I ran the same loop I ran last Sunday, and forgot (perhaps I didn't forget subconsciously) that it was about a mile short. I did add a half mile onto the loop, part of which came after I inadvertantly almost stumbled across three medium sized brown dogs laying down on a secluded stretch of the Cobbs Creek bike path just past the butterfly sanctuary. I froze and did an immediate about face. In my decision to let sleeping dogs lie, I had to climb up a steep wooded bank and meander through some neighborhood blocks before getting back on the bike path as it rejoined Cobbs Creek Parkway. Folks are right, it is a dangerous neighborhood out there.

I was going to give Kevin J. shit about those dogs looking an awful lot like the foxes he says he's been seeing around Mt. Moriah. But there was an article in today's Inquirer about the mid-Winter bird count, where they mentioned that there were several fox and coyote sightings in unspecified parts of Philadelphia. Fox maybe, but coyote? I'd like to find out more about that.

Anyway, that doggie detour and a small add on at the end made for nine miles in a leisurely 79:43. Kept it easy and beat the wind by retreating into my inner space. I read up a bit on Antietam last night, and let those thoughts settle this morning.


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