Seebo's Run

A running commentary on my training and whatever else emerges from that.

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Tangled Up in Blue

One of the prettiest mornings of the year. Cool with plenty of strong sun and a hint of a breeze. Makes the colors vivid all around and happy to be alive as I finished my run. The kind of morning that begs to have Dylan's Blood on the Tracks going in the background.

But I get ahead of myself. In contrast to the beautiful morning, the run isn't much to write about. Same loop as yesterday, same music, and got so lost in my thoughts that I blacked out at times (like, did I just run up that hill?! . . . I have no recollection of doing so). Lots of stuff on my mind, but I'm doing okay.

Calves continue to feel sore, to the point now where there's been marathons where I've recovered faster. But I'll cut them as much slack as they need this time around.

6 miles (Cobbs Creek via Warrington & 43rd Sts) in 53:12.


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