Seebo's Run

A running commentary on my training and whatever else emerges from that.

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Friday, November 04, 2005

Going to NYC

Mellow run this morning with E and KJ. KJ has had some tendonitis problems that has thrown his plans to run Philly marathon into question and was trying out his legs for the first time in a few weeks this morning. He gave a cautious thumbs up. As a result we didn't go fast or far this morning, which was fine with me. Up Pine to Cobbs Creek and back down Catherine all the way home. 5 miles in 45:10.

I'd also have to be remiss not to say that, with the increased light, the bright sun and the fall colors, that it was a beautiful run.

It's off to NYC this afternoon. Me and T are going up. The toughest part will be the trip to 30th St. Station to catch the train, which is only about 2 miles away but, with SEPTA on strike, means that we either must walk or bike there with our bags. We're renting part of an apartment in the East Village for the weekend, in a deal I got off Craig's List, and I'm looking forward as much to spending tomorrow just messing around in Manhattan with T as I am for Sunday.

Wish me luck, and I promise some stories when I return.


Blogger ian said...

Good luck! You're going to need it guiding a Mongolian AND a West Virginian!

8:44 AM  

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