Seebo's Run

A running commentary on my training and whatever else emerges from that.

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Cold Beer Sandwiches

This was on a sign on a deli we passed on Warrington Ave. M and I used to get laughs from a similar deli sign we'd pass on Lancaster Ave that advertised "lunchmeat soda cigarette chips". We tried to imagine what lunchmeat soda might taste like, or whether it goes well with a cold beer sandwich.

Got some more sunlight this morning, with the dawn just breaking as E & I left for the run. We did a Cobbs Creek loop coming back on Warrington, a run interrupted by a stop by the house of a friend of E's where she surreptitiously picked a sprig of thyme from the herb garden planted in the front garden patch.

Looks like another beautiful fall day. Loop was consistent with the taper theme, 6 miles exact (see in a not too strenuous 51.42.


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