Seebo's Run

A running commentary on my training and whatever else emerges from that.

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Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Two Fer

Do two half-fast runs make a full moon? What about when you add a fartlek?

Little catch-up here. Monday was a dnr, I did a half-hearted fartlek 7-miler yesterday and an easy 5-miler just a little while ago.

I would not want to run a marathon on the legs I currently have. They feel out of sorts, a bit tight, a bit tender, and not like they're in any mood to go a hard 26. I don't feel like I have any kind of rhythm and my running is more a kind of mucking around. Nothing to be alarmed about, how I feel now will have nothing to do with how I feel Sunday, but it would still be nice to have these runs be more than just slogs. At least they are short slogs.

The one thing I wish I did get more of this week is sleep. The time I've saved in not running or blogging has gotten eaten up by a report on shelter use in a medium sized Midwestern city that I have to get out before I leave for California. The combination of not running and stressing over this has left me out of sorts. Additionally, there will be the three hour time difference and an early wake up to get to the start. So we'll see how that goes.

Wish I could be more upbeat. Again, I'm not in the best of spirits, but I've done enough of these things not to project it on to Sunday. I may do well or poorly then, but it will have little to do with how I feel now.

Since I wasn't able to, didn't want to, and had no need to get my legs going the last few days, I spent a good part of my runs visualizing my race. I'm bringing a lot of intensity into this, I really want to spank this course, but I need to be careful because a marathon is not a take no prisoners race. A more restrained version of intensity is needed here. To get me in that mood I listened to JJ Cale and Eric Clapton this afternoon and just focused on myself running the early and middle miles. The music is mostly Cale, who has this signature shuffling backbeat that is simultaneously driving and understated. That's exactly the effect that I want to lay down 5:54s till the cows come home.

They call me the breeze, I keep blowing down the road.

I also have hooked up with Mike S., whom both Ian and Duncan said I should contact as he is also running CIM and we are both shooting for mid 2:30s. Mike, who has one of the more widely read running blogs around and who lives in Tucson, wants to shoot for a 5:54 pace, which would bring us in just under 2:35. If its a good day and I have someone to work with, I should manage that and so I will go for it.

Well, that feels better. I guess I needed to blog a bit, get some of these thoughts out of my system. Rebecca's been yelling at me, its been three days since I've put anything up here. I still don't feel inspired to lay down any really deep thoughts, but what's so amazing about really deep thoughts?!

And with that its back to work.


Blogger John W said...

The mind always plays tricks on you the last week before a big race.

Your going to toe that line in the best shape of your life, that is evident from the string of PR's you have laid down this fall.

An early wake up on the west coast is like a normal wake up time over here, it'l be fine.

No more whining, it's time "Rock and Roll"

Good Luck Seebo, you know we'll be pulling for you back here.

8:21 AM  

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